Winter Warmth

Annually, WCYR provides tangible support to help women experiencing violence and poverty by providing the items they need to survive the winter months and a bit extra to celebrate the holidays with their children. Through Winter Warmth, women receive gift cards, personal care bundles for the moms, and small gifts for the children. In 2022, thanks to generous donors, WCYR provided we provided warm clothing, food, and essential supplies to 192 women and children! The impact of your contributions went beyond the physical items – you ignited hope and demonstrated that together, we can make a difference! This year, we want to support even more women. Will you help us?  


Winter can be challenging for many, especially those facing financial difficulties, escaping abusive situations, or working to rebuild their lives. Over the last 5 years, gender-based violence has steadily increased across Ontario. So much so that on July 20, 2023, Toronto City Council declared intimate partner violence and gender-based violence an epidemic along with 44 other municipalities. This alarming surge is directly linked to the compounding effects of the pandemic, natural disasters, global crises, and the looming recession, which have placed considerable strain on family units. As inflation and domestic violence continue to skyrocket, women need your help more than ever.   

The Winter Warmth campaign is our answer to the call for help. It's a way to extend a helping hand and show that our community cares deeply about the well-being of its members. Through Winter Warmth, women receive gift cards to purchase winter essentials, groceries, and small gifts for the children.  

Winter Warmth is more than just a campaign; it's a chance to come together, share the warmth, and create lasting change for those in need. Join us as we kindle hope, compassion, and resilience during the chilly months.  


We all enjoy shopping for our family members and picking the perfect gift, especially for our children, and we want women to experience that same joy. Therefore, WCYR is looking for your support to provide women with this opportunity by donating to the Winter Warmth Program! There are a few ways you can help!   

  • To support a woman or a family this year and make arrangements or if you have any questions, please fill out the following form, and a staff member will be in touch.     

  • Donate online and receive an instant tax receipt! Please use the following link to make a monetary donation.    

  • Host a mini fundraiser among your friends or family and collect gift cards for women to places like grocery stores, Walmart, prepaid Visas and MasterCard, or the mall.   

  • Engage your workplace or school! Ask peers or co-workers to participate by bringing in donations & challenge another branch or business to participate too!   

If you would like to be matched to a family and receive a family profile, please confirm sponsorship by December 8, 2023. Monetary donations will be accepted until December 31, 2023, and used toward families who are not sponsored.   

Sponsorship form:  

Donate online: 

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about the program or have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with Allison or Emily using the following contact information.   

Allison Hermann  

Phone: 905 716 9106 | Email:   


Email:  | Phone: 905 853 9270  

Allison Hermann